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Unmasking the Desire: Why We Include Ourselves in Photos (Selfie)

Updated: May 4, 2023


In today's visually-oriented society, it's not uncommon to see people including themselves in photographs. From group shots to selfies, the desire to be present in images is prevalent across different social settings. But have you ever wondered why we feel the need to include ourselves in photos? A fascinating study conducted by researchers at The Ohio State University delves into this very question. In this blog post, we explore the intriguing findings of the study and shed light on the underlying motivations behind our desire to be part of the picture.

The Study: Unveiling the Motivations

The study published by The Ohio State University sheds light on the psychological motivations that drive individuals to include themselves in photographs. Through a series of experiments and surveys, researchers aimed to understand the reasons behind this behavior.

A: Social Connection and Belongingness:

One of the primary motivations identified in the study is the innate human need for social connection and belongingness. Including ourselves in photos serves as a way to solidify our place within social groups and signify our participation in shared experiences. By being present in photographs, individuals strengthen their sense of identity and affiliation with others.

B: Memories and Identity Construction:

Photographs play a crucial role in memory formation and identity construction. The study revealed that by including ourselves in photos, we create tangible evidence of our participation in significant events and moments. These visual reminders not only serve as memory triggers but also contribute to the construction of our personal narratives and sense of self.

C: Visibility and Attention:

Another motivation identified in the study is the desire for visibility and attention. By including ourselves in photos, we seek recognition and validation from others. This need for acknowledgment stems from our innate social nature and the pursuit of positive social interactions. Being present in photographs provides an opportunity for self-expression and a chance to be noticed and remembered.

D: Self-Presentation and Image Management:

Self-presentation plays a vital role in our social interactions, and including ourselves in photos is a means to manage and shape our image. The study found that individuals carefully select the photos they choose to include themselves in, often considering factors like their appearance, social context, and desired impression on others. By curating our visual presence, we aim to present ourselves in a way that aligns with our desired self-image.


The study conducted by The Ohio State University offers valuable insights into the motivations behind why we include ourselves in photos. From the fundamental need for social connection to the desire for visibility and attention, various psychological factors drive this behavior. By understanding these motivations, we gain a deeper understanding of our own actions and the dynamics of social interaction in the digital age.

Next time you find yourself including yourself in a photograph, consider the underlying motivations at play. It's not just about capturing a moment; it's a testament to our need for connection, our desire for recognition, and our quest for self-presentation. Embrace the power of photographs as a medium for memory, identity, and social bonding, and let your visual presence be a reflection of your authentic self.

Reference: "Why People Include Themselves in Photos" - The Ohio State University Newsroom.

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